LAND ROVER OWNERS NAMIBIA (LRON) assists with much needed wheel chairs and walking frames
Last week, on the 31st August 2022, Land Rover Owners Namibia (LRON) was finally able to receive the long anticipated wheel chairs and walking frames. Due to LRON also covering social responsibility as one of its objectives, one of our members, Mr. Sven Pauly, had approached LRON in 2020 with the idea of bringing perfectly refurbished wheel chairs and walking frames from Germany to Namibia. These were donated by HUSCHET REHA SERVICES, GERMANY.

The cost of the container, sea freight and transport in both countries was paid by SYR SASSERATH, GERMANY.
LRON decided to team up with the Lions Club as proper and fair distribution would have been a mammoth task and the Lion’s Club is already well accomplished in this field.
LRON Chair person, JC Kruger and Frank Schatz from the LIONS CLUB received the fourty (40) wheel chairs and twenty (20) walking frames which will be distributed to those in need and who cannot afford the purchase of such equipment.
LRON is an association for Land Rover owners but is also open to owners of other 4X4 makes.Our objectives are nature, environmental and humanitarian projects as well as a host of other activities.
More information can be obtained from the LRON website or the secretary can be contacted at or on 0811245745.
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